Unmasking Our Authentic Selves: The Hidden Cost of Perpetual Masking
In a world that often values conformity and fitting in, many of us find ourselves wearing masks to navigate various aspects of life. We put on different faces for work, social situations, and even within our families. But why do we mask, what are the detriments of always wearing these disguises, and why is it so crucial to embrace our authentic selves?
Becoming Unstuck
Have you ever felt stuck, trapped by the thoughts and memories of your past? Have you ever felt completely frozen, withdrawn, or panicked when things remind you of those thoughts and memories? If so, you are not alone, and there is hope for a better life where you can become unstuck and no longer feel that intense distress from the past.
Turn Down the Emotions!
Learning about the two sides of the brain, and how to regulate our emotions.
Don’t Follow the Rabbit!
How to recognize and avoid the “What If” rabbit holes.