Unmasking Our Authentic Selves: The Hidden Cost of Perpetual Masking
In a world that often values conformity and fitting in, many of us find ourselves wearing masks to navigate various aspects of life. We put on different faces for work, social situations, and even within our families. But why do we mask, what are the detriments of always wearing these disguises, and why is it so crucial to embrace our authentic selves?
No One Can Know I’m Broken and Defective
Have you ever gone through something horrible that left you feeling broken, defective, unlovable, worthless, or that you’re a terrible person? Shame is a heavy burden that many of us struggle with in our journey towards healing from abuse. Shame is not just a fleeting feeling of embarrassment; it's a deep-seated and pervasive belief that we are fundamentally flawed or unworthy of love and acceptance. It’s the sense that I don’t measure up and can never measure up, and it brings a sense of hopelessness. Shame is where we feel like we need to hide because we don’t want others to find out our deep inadequacy.
“Why Would They Stay?” - The Truth Behind Abusive Relationships
Domestic violence starts as a wonderful, charming, happy relationship that slowly and subtly changes over time. To better understand how people end up in domestic violence relationships and why they don’t leave, read more here.